Oracle Database 12c R2: New Features for Administrators Part 2 (D97103) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

  • Global objectives of the course
  • Lessons grouped by modules
  • Schedule of the week
Auditing Using Unified Audit
  • Quick review of 11g R2 audit trail implementation
  • Overview of the Unified Audit Trail
  • Creating and enabling audit policies for all users to whom the role is granted directly
  • Capturing VPD (Virtual Private Database) generated predicates
Controlling Data Access Using Privileges and Profiles
  • New 12.2 administrative privileges
  • Password file enhancements
  • Enhance the security of administrative users
  • Enforce the associated profile’s password limits
  • Using mandatory INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege to execute invoker's rights procedure
  • Using mandatory INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege to select from BEQUEATH current_user views
  • Using new INHERIT (ANY) REMOTE PRIVILEGES privilege
Controlling Data Access Using Privilege Analysis
  • Overview of database privilege analysis
  • Granting the CAPTURE_ADMIN role to enable management of privilege captures
  • Creating and starting/stopping privilege captures and runs
  • Viewing privilege analysis result
Redacting Data
  • Overview of Oracle Data Redaction
  • Types of Data Redaction Policies
  • New redaction format library in EM GUI
  • Redaction policy expression
  • Redacting with Nullify redaction function
Encrypting Data
  • Encrypt / decrypt / rekey tablespaces online
  • Configure automatic tablespace encryption
Controlling Data Access Using Transparent Sensitive Data Protection
  • Configure and use TSDP with VPD
  • Configure and use TSDP with Data Redaction
  • Configure and use TSDP with Unified Auditing
  • Configure and use TSDP with Fine-Grained Auditing (FGA)
  • Configure and use TSDP with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
Making Data Available by Using RMAN Features
  • RMAN enhancements
  • Transport Data Across Platforms
  • Table recovery
  • Automate the manual recovery process by using Recover Database Until Available Redo
  • REPAIR FAILURE command extented
Making Data Available by Using Oracle Data Pump, SQL*Loader and External Tables
  • Oracle Data Pump enhancements
  • SQL*Loader enhancements
  • Querying against external tables and overriding external table clauses
Making Data Available by Performing Online Operations
  • Describe online redefinition supports
  • Move and compress table partitions ONLINE
Partitioning Data
  • Enable reference partitioning with interval partitioned parent tables
  • Incorporate the CASCADE option for TRUNCATE PARTITION and EXCHANGE PARTITION operations
  • Convert partitioning Range to Interval and vice-versa
  • Convert subpartitioning Range to Interval and vice-versa
  • Simplify the maintenance of (sub) partitioned tables
  • Composite partitioning
Managing Information Lifecycle Using ADO
  • Data classification in 12c : tablespace, group, object, row levels
  • Configure heat map
  • Automatic movement and compression
  • Compression levels and types
  • Policy declaration
  • Customized automated action execution with user-defined function
  • Execution in scheduled maintenance windows and by MMON
  • Customized schedule with DBMS_ILM package
Managing Information Lifecycle Using In-Database Archiving and Temporal
  • Challenges of old data in tables and 11g solutions
  • In-database archiving new solutions
  • Use ROW ARCHIVAL clause to enable row lifecycle state for applications
  • Set ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY for session level visibility control
  • Use predicate on ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column
  • Temporal Validity versus Temporal History (Transaction Time of FDA)
  • Set a Temporal Validity by using PERIOD FOR clause of CREATE / ALTER TABLE
  • New SQL temporal data type
Monitoring DB Operations and Performance
  • Overview
  • Use cases
  • Current Tools
  • Define a DB operation
  • Monitoring: Bracketing an Operation
  • Monitoring the Progress of Operations
  • DB Operation Tuning
  • DB Operation Active Report
Configuring In-Memory Column Store
  • In-Memory Database option goals and benefits
  • Row format and columnar format
  • New SGA component
  • Deployment
  • Compression and priority in-memory segments attributes
  • Dictionary tables, added columns, IM statistics and IM Advisor
  • IM FastStart
  • Interaction with other products
Using In-Memory Column Store
  • Caching results of frequently evaluated expressions and virtual columns
  • Optimizing joined columns by creating join groups
Improving Performance Using In-Memory Caching
  • Setting up Full Database In-Memory Caching
  • Explaining the two buffer replacement algorithms of Automatic Big Table Caching
  • Configuring Automatic Big Table Caching with DB_BIG_TABLE_CACHE_PERCENT_TARGET initialization parameter
  • Using Automatic Big Table Caching
Improving SQL Performance
  • Statistics gathering performance improvements: Optimizer Statistics Advisor
  • Adaptive Execution Plan
  • Benefit from automatic dynamic sampling
Using Real Application Testing Enhancements
  • SQL Performance Analyzer enhancements
  • SQL Plan Management enhancements
  • Database Replay enhancements
Improving Performance Using Other Features
  • Manage session PGA limit
  • Multiple indexes on the same set of columns
  • Describe Advanced Row Compression and Avanced Index Compression HIGH level
  • Reduce Cursor Invalidations for DDLs
  • Define real-time materialized views with on query computation and ON STATEMENT refresh materialized views
  • Using multi-process multi-threaded Oracle architecture
  • Describe Database Smart Flash Cache enhancements
  • Use temporary undo for your temporary tables