Detailed Course Outline
Custom Objects
- Adding Fields to Standard Objects
- Creating new Custom Objects
- Object Relationships
- Custom Menus
- Custom Object Deployment
- Exporting and Importing object definitions
- Importing Data
Connect Common Object Model (CCOM)
- Advantages
- Objects and Fields
- Notation
- Primary and Sub Objects
- Custom objects in CCOM
- Named IDs and Lists
- Using Documentation
RightNow Object Query Language (ROQL)
- Use in APIs
- Types of queries
- Query syntax
- Custom objects in ROQL
- Using relationships in ROQL
- Join types
- Connect Object Explorer
Customer Portal (CP) Basic Editing
- Framework versioning and migration
- CP Reference App
- CP file structure and access
- Themes, Templates, Pages and Widgets
- RN Namespace tags
- Editing CP files
- CP development process
Customer Portal Look and Feel
- Style sheets
- Themes
- Use of RN tags
- Message Bases
- Meta, Content, Widget, Condition and Container tags
- Page Sets
Customer Portal Standard and Syndicated Widgets
- Standard widgets and documentation
- Widget paths, placement tags and configuration parameters
- Widget CSS
- Widget versioning
- Syndicated Widget configuration
Customer Portal Custom Widgets
- The Widget Builder
- Widget folder structure
- Extending Standard Widgets
- Widget files: controller, view, javascript, optional files
- Yahoo User Interface Library (YUI)
- Widget attributes
- Testing Widgets
Customer Portal Models and Controllers
- Standard Models
- Custom Models
- Connect PHP API
- Compare widget and shared (custom) controllers
- Calling models from controllers
- Connect PHP in widget controllers
- Custom Controllers parameters and return values, JSON
- Custom Controller functions
Customer Portal Building Widgets with Controller Logic
- MVC pattern in widgets
- Use of AJAX
- Interaction between View and logic.js
- Events and Event model
- Calling a Controller from a Widget
- Testing a widget
Connect Web Services for SOAP (CWSS)
- Purpose of CWSS
- Supported operations
- Object templates
- Create, Get, Update and Destroy
- Use of ROQL; Tabular and Object queries
- Other supported operations
- Data and query limits
- Java example
Connect Web Services for SOAP Advanced
- Handling Custom Objects and use of Generic Objects
- Bulk Operations
- Batch Operations and use of transactions
- Chain Operations
Connect REST API
- Overview of REST API
- REST API endpoints
- REST API Tabular and Object queries
- Sorting results
- Authentication
- Testing with a browser
- REST API documentation
Connect REST API Using in Code
- HTTP verbs used in the API
- Use of JSON
- Sending Requests
- PHP code examples
- REST exceptions
- Simple Java example
- Running Analytics Reports
- File attachment handling
Custom Processes
- What are Custom Processes
- Enabling Custom processes
- Object Event Handler structure
- The Process Designer
- Creating a Custom Process
- How Custom Processes are triggered
- Best practices
- Purpose of Hooks
- How to create a Hook
Single Sign On (SSO)
- Explain the purpose of SSO
- SSO Options in Service Cloud
- Enabling and Configuring a site for SSO
Service Console (Desktop) Add-Ins Overview
- Add-In .NET framework
- Add-In Component examples
- Add-In Project Templates for Visual Studio C#
- Installing Add-In templates
Service Console Add-Ins Writing an Add-In
- Add-In Files
- Developer Mode
- Opening a Visual Studio Add-In template
- Modifying Template Code
- Testing locally
- Deploying a tested Add-In
- Overview of Service Cloud Mobile support
- Customizing pages for Mobile
- Page Set Mappings
Integration with External Systems
- Overview of integration options
- Overview of Integration Cloud Service
- Accelerators: Sales Cloud, E-Business Suite, Siebel, Out of Office
- Mobile Application Framework
- How to download and use an Accelerator
Accessibility Awareness
- Meaning of Accessibility for systems
- Why this is necessary
- Accessibility Considerations when Customizing Customer Portal
Security Risk Mitigation
- Overview of common security risks and mitigations
- Specific Service Cloud Security Practices Documentation