Detailed Course Outline
Oracle HCM Benefits Course Overview
- Lesson and Course Objectives
- Course Schedule
- Course Hands-On Activities, Introduction, and Sign Ins
- Oracle Fusion Resources
Benefits Overview
- Oracle Human Capital Management
- Managing Benefits: Overview
- Benefits Terminology
- Benefits Hierarchy
Functional Setup Manager: Enabling Offerings for Initial Use
- Implementing Oracle Fusion Applications
- Job Roles with Functional Setups User Permissions
- Functional Setup Methodology
- Enabling Offering and Functional Areas for Implementation
Define Benefits Eligibility
- Manage derived factors
- Create benefit groups
- Manage benefit service areas
- Manage eligibility profiles
Define Benefits Life Events
- Configure benefit life events
Collapsing Life Events
- Explain collapsing rules
- Explain the Collapse Life Events batch process
- Explain the components of a collapsing event rule
- Create a collapsing event rule
Effective Dating in Benefits
- Effective Dating
Manage Benefit Plan Types and Options
- Hierarchy Overview
- Managing Year Periods
- Managing Benefit Plan Types
- Benefit Options Overview
Create Benefit Plans and Programs
- Plan and Program Creation Methods Overview
- Quick Create for Plans and Programs
- Entering Basic Plan Details and Additional Configuration
- Entering Basic Program Details
- Select Plan Types and Plans
- Eligibility and Enrollment Configuration
- Reinstatement Rules
- Configuring Certification, Enrollment Suspensions, and Designations
Manage Fast Formulas for Benefits
- Formulas and Usages Overview
- Benefit Formula Types
- Formulas for Benefits
Manage Benefit Rates and Payroll Elements
- Manage standard rates
- Manage payroll elements
Manage Benefits Plan Coverage and Variable Profiles
- Manage benefits plan coverage
- Create variable coverage profiles
- Manage variable rate profiles
Define Plan Type Groups and Configure Enrollment Display
- Configure plan type groups
- Manage enrollment authorizations
- Manage benefits self-service configuration
- Enroll in benefits
Maintain Benefits Enrollments Overview
- Common Administrative Tasks
- Simplified View of Enrollment Processing Based on Life Events
- Types of Life Event Enrollment Cycles
- Processing Life Events that Occur During Open Enrollment Period Overview
Self-Service Enrollment
- Self-Service Enrollment
- Manage Contacts and Beneficiary Organizations
Maintain Benefits Enrollments Using the Enrollments Work Area
- Enrollment Work Area
- Manage Action Items
- Viewing a Person's Potential Life Events
- Enrollments
- Viewing Enrollment Results
- Beneficiary Organizations
- Eligibility and Enrollment Overrides
Define Benefits Extracts
- Benefits Extracts Overview
- Extract Formats
Maintain Benefits Enrollments Using the Evaluation and Reporting Work Area
- Evaluation and Reporting Work Area
- Life Events Details
- Evaluation and Reporting Process Categories
Configure Flex Credits
- Defining Flex Credit Policy
- Flex Credit Plan Components
Prepare for and Manage an Open Enrollment Period
- Benefits Open Enrollment Overview
- Sample Open Enrollment Timeline
- Process Intervening Life Events
Benefit Reports
- Benefit Reports Overview
- Reports and Analytics Work Area
- Predefined Benefit Reports