Detailed Course Outline
Course Overview
- Course Objectives
- Lesson Schedule
- Course Environment: Products Installed
- Course Environment: Workspace Details
- Accessing the Labs Directory
- Introducing Course Persona
Introducing Course Persona
- Quick Review of What You Already Know
- Securing Database Applications
- What is a Packaged Application?
- Components of Team Development
- Workspace Administration
- Other Components
- Packaged Application Used in this course
- Additional Resources
Using Collections
- What is a Collection?
- Create a collection on an interactive report
Extending Your Application: Dynamic Actions
- Adding Dynamic Actions
Extending Your Application: Plug-ins
- Authentication/Authorization Plug-in Capability
- Using and Customizing the CSS Bar Chart Plug-In
Incorporating Interactivity in Your Application
- Tooltip
- Scrolling Region
- Add buttons with conditions in the report page to display report based on the conditions
- Add a procedure in AJAX to refresh a page region periodically
- Configuring Oracle Application Express to send email
Generating and Using Table APIs
- What is a Table API?
- Generate a Table API
- Modify the Table API
- Add a Form to an Application that shows how to add the process that will insert or update the database using the Table API
Creating and Using RESTful Web Services
- What is a RESTful Web Service?
- Components of a RESTful Web Service
- An Example: RESTful Web Service
- Creating a new RESTful Web Service
- Consuming a RESTful Web Service in an APEX Application
Using Themes and Templates
- Application Types: Desktop, Mobile, Responsive - Explain what they are and what criteria determines which application to create
- Theme Overview: Which ones are for which type of Application
- Review the layout of a Page template
- Include using CSS to customize the template
- Using Substitution Strings in Templates
- Utilize new page attributes - files/inline styles
- Create and modify a theme
- Establishing a Master Application and a Corporate Theme
Developing a New Theme for Your Application Using ThemeRoller
- What is ThemeRoller?
- Create a theme using the ThemeRoller
Securing Your Application
- What Is a Directory?
- Oracle Internet Directory
- Technical Architecture: Overview
- Authenticating Users by Using LDAP
- SQL Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting
- Browser Security
- Application Level Security
Deploying and Maintaining Your Application
- Application Components
- Things to consider
- Backups
Optimizing Your APEX Application
- Application Performance Considerations
- Managing Services
- Monitoring Activity
- Database Configuration Considerations
- Monitoring Application Performance
Globalization and Translation
- Understanding Application Translation and Globalization Support
- Specifying the Primary Language for an ApplicationLoading a New Language
- Translating an Application
- Translating the Data the Application Uses
- Localization
- Switching Languages