Detailed Course Outline
- Oracle Database: Location Features
- Oracle Spatial: Spatial Data Management for Enterprise Applications
- Oracle Spatial Development History
- Oracle Spatial and Locator: art of the Oracle DBMS Kernel
- Oracle Spatial Object-Relational Model
- Review: Oracle’s Object-Relational Model
- Common Geographical Terms Used in the Course
- Oracle Spatial Documentation and Resources
Overview of Oracle Spatial Concepts
- Define Oracle Spatial
- Describe Geometric Primitive Types
- Describe the Spatial Data Model
- Coordinate Systems: Concepts
- Explain Spatial Indexing
- Describe the Optimized Query Model
- Define Linear Referencing System
- Define Geocoding and Routing
Creating Spatial Layers
- Describe the MDSYS Schema
- Spatial Native Data Type: SDO_GEOMETRY
- Define different types of geometry elements
- Construction of geometries by using the INSERT statement
- Manage Spatial metadata
Defining Collection Geometries
- Define Collection geometries: Multipoint, Multiline string, and Multipolygon
- Describe Oriented point
- SDO_GEOMETRY constructors and member methods
Associating Spatial Layers with Coordinate Systems
- Define Coordinate systems and their different types
- Geodetic coordinate system concepts
- Whole earth geometry model and tolerance
- Coordinate system transformations
- Units supported by Oracle Spatial
Loading Spatial Data
- Different ways of loading spatial data
- Loading of spatial data by using SQL*Loader
- Export and import utilities of the Data Pump technology
- Load data using transportable tablespace
- Load data using transactional insert
- Use the Java shapefile converter
Validating and Debugging Geometries
- Strategy for Geometry Validation
Using the Oracle Application Server MapViewer
- Introduction to MapViewer
- Architecture of Oracle Application Server MapViewer
- Installation of Oracle Application Server MapViewer
- Use MapViewer demos
- Edit MapViewer Configuration File
Indexing Spatial Data
- Concepts of R-tree indexing
- CREATE INDEX and the R-tree parameters
- Analyze, drop, and alter operations on the spatial index
- Use the Spatial index dictionary views
- Estimate R-tree index size and the resources required
Querying Spatial Data
- Overview of the Spatial query model
- Overview of spatial operators, procedures, and functions
- Use the SDO_FILTER operator
- Define Spatial topological relationships
- Use the SDO_RELATE operator
- Use the SDO_GEOM.RELATE function
- Spatial queries and operators
- Describe the SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE operator
- Describe the SDO_NN operator
- Spatial join by using the SDO_JOIN operator
Analyzing Geometries by Using Spatial Operators and Functions
- Calculation of the area, length, and distance between geometries
- Describe Arc densification and buffering
- Use the Spatial Boolean functions
- Explicit transformations with spatial functions
Using Spatial Analysis, MBR, Utility, and Aggregate Functions
- Describe some of the Spatial analysis functions
- Describe some of the Spatial MBR functions
- Describe some of the Spatial utility functions
- Describe some of the Spatial aggregate functions
- Conversion between SDO_GEOMETRY and Geography Markup Language (GML)
Defining Maps by Using the Map Builder Tool
- Introduction to Map Builder
- Export and import styles
- Use of Map Builder to administer style, theme, and map definitions
- Use the Sample mapclient.jsp
- Define a Sample XML request with elements
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) and Oracle Workspace Manager support
Leveraging Oracle Maps: The Map Cache and JavaScript API
- Oracle Maps concepts
- Oracle Maps demo setup
- Maps and Faces demo
- More Oracle Maps demos
Creating a User-Defined Coordinate System
- Coordinate systems concepts: Ellipsoids, Datums, and projections
- Geodetic or projected coordinate systems
- Define OGC WKT schema and EPSG
- Creation of a user-defined coordinate system
- Local coordinate system
Implementing a Linear Referencing System
- Linear Referencing System (LRS) concepts
- Define LRS geometries
- Overview of LRS functions
- Implementation of an LRS
Managing Spatial Indexes
- Oracle Spatial index partitioning
- Partition spatial data based on location
- Define function-based indexes
- Use transportable tablespaces
- Embedded spatial geometry
Geocoding Address Data
- Geocoding concepts
- Oracle Spatial geocoding functions
- Examples using geocoding functions
- Geocoding service
Using the Spatial Routing Engine
- Oracle Spatial Routing architecture
- Route request and response
- Sample RouteServer JSP