Detailed Course Outline
Review of Linux Basics
- Linux Directory Structure
- File Permissions and Security
- Common Linux Commands and Programs
- Working with Linux Shells
- Bash Shell Scripting
Preparing Linux for Oracle
- Linux Distributions
- Verifying the Linux Kernel
- Using the /proc System
- Setting Kernel Parameters
- Managing Packages
- Using the oracle-validated RPM
- Creating Groups and Users
- The nobody User
Installing Oracle on Linux
- Setting Environment Variables Pre-Installation
- Optimal Flexible Architecture
- Installing New Releases
- Managing Multiple Oracle Versions
- Setting Oracle Environment Variables
- Performing a Silent or Suppressed Installation
- Oracle Patch Utility
- Oracle Relink Utility
Managing Storage on Linux
- Oracle Database Storage Options
- Supported Linux I/O Modes
- Disks and Partitions
- Managing Partitions
- Logical Volume Manager Concepts
- Attached Storage
- Linux and File Systems
- Monitoring Disk Usage and Free Space
Using Oracle ASM on Linux
- Automatic Storaget Management Library Driver
- Installing and Initializing ASMLib
- Configuring Disks
- Marking Disks as Automatic Storage Management Disks
- Creating an ASM Instance
- ASM Installation Best Practices
- Disk Group Configuration Best Practices
Automating Oracle on Linux
- Automating Tasks
- Linux Startup Sequence
- Linux Runlevels
- Automating Startup and Shutdown of Oracle Processes
- Working with the dbstart and dbshut Scripts
- Linux Scheduling Tools
- Scheduling a Backup with cron
Optimizing Linux for Oracle
- Standard Linux Measurement Tools
- Measuring CPU Activity and Reducing CPU Bottlenecks
- Monitoring and Tuning Memory
- Monitoring and Tuning Disk I/O
- Basic Oracle Database Optimizations
- Basic Linux Optimizations
- Page Address Extensions for 32-bit Systems
- Configuring Hugepages
Additional Linux Tips for DBAs
- Simple Shell Scripts to Simplify DBA Tasks
- Adding Command History to SQL*Plus
- Finding Files with SETUID or SETGID Set
- Capturing System Data Using Scripts
- Finding Background Processes
- Finding Server Processes
- Killing Server Processes
- Query Output in an Environment Variable
Troubleshooting Oracle Issues on Linux
- Monitoring alert log with ADRCI
- Resolving ORA-600/ORA-7445 Errors
- Process Hierarchy
- Viewing the Startup Environment for a Process
- Viewing the Status of a Process
- Recovering from Database Crashes
- Debugging a Core Dump
- Using strace